Seat #1
Ted Melikian
Poker Player
Chips: 68,500
Seat #2
Steven Weitz
Poker Player
Seat #3
Stan Jablonski
Business Owner
Chips: 20,000
Seat #4
Billy Miller
Retired Professional Bridge Player/Author
Chips: 38,900
Seat #5
Paul Sexton
Electrical Engineer
Chips: 6,400
Seat #6
Richard Burkey
Real Estate
Chips: 32,700
Seat #7
James Hoeppner
Chips: 33,100
Join hosts Chad Brown, “Cowboy” Kenna James and Brian Mollica each week for exciting poker action. Our beautiful On-Air Correspondent Brandi Williams will be on hand to get you up close with the players. If you’re new to poker, check out our “Ultimate Poker School” for rules and tips that will have you playing on the felt in no time. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter! Thank you for visiting.