Seat #1|
Placed:1 | Chip Count:$68,500
Poker Player
Favorite Game: Hold'em
Favorite Pro:Tony Walker
Would like fans to know:
Call me the milkman

Seat #2|
Placed:2 | Chip Count:$
Poker Player
Favorite Game: Hold'em
Favorite Pro:Daniel Negreanu
Hobbies:Foosball, Tennis
Would like fans to know:
That I'm new to this but I love the game of Hold'em

Seat #3|
Placed:7 | Chip Count:$20,000
Business Owner
Favorite Game: Hold'em
Favorite Pro:
Hobbies:Tennis, Horseracing
Would like fans to know:

Seat #4|
Placed:5 | Chip Count:$38,900
Retired Professional Bridge Player/Author
Favorite Game: No Limit Hold'em
Favorite Pro:Dan Harrington
Hobbies:Gardening Caretaker of local ducks and geese
Would like fans to know:
Played bridge with Bill Gates on the internet

Seat #5|
Placed:6 | Chip Count:$6,400
Electrical Engineer
Favorite Game: Stud
Favorite Pro:Keith Sexton
Hobbies:Vieo Games
Would like fans to know:
I love all my boys and girls of our group

Seat #6|
Placed:4 | Chip Count:$32,700
Real Estate
Favorite Game: Omaha Hi-lo
Favorite Pro:Sam Farah
Hobbies:Sports Player
Would like fans to know:

Seat #7|
Placed:3 | Chip Count:$33,100
Favorite Game: H.O.R.S.E.
Favorite Pro:Jennifer Harmon
Hobbies:Golf, Tennis
Would like fans to know: